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"There's a calm in knowing  you are walking the path meant only for  you. Everything suddenly makes sense. "  


Life without Passion?


Born on a beautiful island of Cuban sun, palm trees and exotic rhythms, I have had quite the journey since my family chose to come to Canada! Having lived from one coast to the other, I've been blessed and recognized for many of the "hats" I've worn. These have included working as a nurse with specialties in Gerontology/ Palliative Care, a counsellor and mentor, a Latin Funk dance/ ESL/ Spanish and Yoga teacher, a voice-over/ theatre actor, a motivational speaker,  and a global sales and marketing manager for a top Canadian manufacturer. An award-winning singer/ songwriter/ entertainer,  I have spent years upon the stage, bridging people with passion.  I’ve also had the good fortune to coach,  lead meditation sessions and inspiring workshops for entrepreneurial and spiritual groups. The combination of my experiences, and studies in healing therapies such as Colour Energy Healing, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Animal Reiki and Flower Remedies coupled with my faith have led me to nurture and help people become stronger.

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Every life holds challenges. The challenges I have overcome in this lifetime would have been crippling if not for my Titanium backbone and tenacity. In fact, I can say with certainty that there's not much that hasn't happened to me.


If not for my incredible stubborn streak, faith in Spirit, and wonderful Abuela (Spanish for grandmother), I could not stand in the power I claim today. After much betrayal, loss, heartache and "dark night of the soul", I've transformed my experiences, knowledge and skills in order to empower and awaken others to their higher calling.


I am claircognizant, clairsentient, clairaudient and on occasion, clairalient and clairvoyant. As an intuitive empath and energy worker, my joy overflows when I help others rise.  I am registered with the Canadian Reiki Association and offer in-person or distant sessions.


Life will always offer opportunities to choose between running away or embracing it even more fully. As a risk taker, I have continuously chosen the unknown path that has led me to the most beautiful of places. I smile when reflecting back on being the youngest in attendance at my first energy course in 1997. Trusting the path has not been easy but the rewards have exceeded expectations, every time.


Life also offers a comparable amount of fulfilment by how much we risk, go beyond comfort zones and invest in ourselves. Soul work is not easy but it is an investment in self that offers great gifts of fulfillment.


Soul work takes time, can seem weird and requires massive amounts of trust as well as courage. This work is not for the faint of heart! My life journey has gifted me with many ways of being helpful to others in order to "fast track" them and eliminate illusions and needless struggles. 


If you're reading this, then you're probably requiring a change. Choose to BE the change and I will have your back every step of the way! And by the way, I go by Deborah or Devi, as my grandmother used to call me. 


My mission statement:


“I believe that purpose is for each person to interpret and mine to illuminate.

Through intuition, wisdom and creativity,

my purpose is to spark BOLDNESS!”



I look forward to working with you!








“A lot of the conflict you have in your life exists simply because you're not living in alignment; you're not being true to yourself.”
- Steve Maraboli

  • Canadian Reiki Association

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© 2024 by Deborah Ledon

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